

全球有限公司 - 2021年3月22日

3 Smart Moves to Leverage Reshoring Opportunities

戴夫Lechleitner | 工业设备新闻

3 Smart Moves to Leverage Reshoring Opportunities


Winning strategies need to address these three primary challenges.

Recent events have proven the old adage that the only constant in life is change. And, for manufacturers, that couldn’t be more true. As a result of international supply chains collapsing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, manufacturers have had to shift their strategies, and many are looking to 重新支撑 for improved resilience.

According to The Reshoring Institute, in its December 2020 report, “Five Predictions for The Manufacturing Industry In 2021,” demand for products actually grew in 2020, and is now surging. Manufacturers that are nimbler and more flexible via 重新支撑 will be positioned to take advantage of the expected growth. 报告指出, “In 2021, the industrial manufacturing sector will shift to localized production … driven by the threat of ongoing trade war/tariffs threatening global supply chains, encouraging manufacturers to move production activity closer to the customer.”

A primary reason for the increased demand is directly tied to the lockdowns related to the pandemic. 包装食品, 家用健身器材, home improvement products and outdoor living equipment are among the multitude of items for which demand rose. 即使经济重新开放, we can expect much of the elevated buying levels to persist because consumer buying behaviors have been altered for the foreseeable future, especially in conjunction with additional economic stimulus measures being put in place.

因为全球专业化, production scaling issues and other concerns, meeting these production demands will not be easy. Winning 重新支撑 strategies must be accompanied by accelerating the processes of diversifying sources domestically while addressing the skilled labor issue and expanded digital transformation.   

#1. 更深的发展, multi-tier domestic partnerships is required so that, when one or more suppliers can’t deliver a needed part, 还有一个可以. For those cases where diversification is not possible, find ways to increase strategic inventory reserves. Even maintaining larger inventories of finished goods could make sense. Often the costs of carrying this inventory can pay off, as we have found many customers are willing to pay a premium for on-time, 按承诺交付承诺.

#2. Reshoring will exacerbate already existing skilled labor shortages and require significant investments in additional training and other key areas. Companies can look at cross-training existing employees to fill gaps and offering employees incentives to return to school to get additional education. Consider partnering with educational facilities to develop courses tailored for their needs to build a downstream pipeline of skilled workers. 与此同时, companies should revisit recruiting practices, including taking into account individuals with transferrable skills who can be trained. Of course, hiring contingent workers --freelancers, consultants, contractors -- can also fill gaps.

#3. It’s time to make even smarter technology investments. 先进的技术, including cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) is making manufacturing processes more efficient and cost-effective. It can help companies by providing visibility into every function across many departments, allowing for integration of processes and workflows, 改进跟踪, 安全性和更低的成本.  

With its American Rescue Plan, the Biden administration has committed to 扩大注册学徒人数O培训熟练工人, which may assist American companies in their 重新支撑 efforts, though the administration admits this move will have to be reinforced by companies making even more investment in training their workforce.

In the meantime, there are programs already in place to help. Manufacturing Extension Partnerships (MEP) is a national network of specialists across the country who understand the needs of America's small manufacturers. +, 冠状病毒援助, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act still provides fast and direct economic assistance for American workers and small businesses, 并为美国工业保留就业机会. Time will tell what other programs come out of the economic recovery plan now working its way through Congress.

It has been said that just-in-time died in 2020, but really it just took a nap. The pandemic taught us that supply chains can be disrupted, which is why 重新支撑 has already begun and will continue. Not only will 重新支撑 make it possible to fulfill current demand, it also will go a long way to help ensure long-term manufacturing resilience.


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