

可持续性 - 2024年1月9日


希瑟的坟墓 | 商业新闻

It’s a recognition, Bryant Esch, corporate 可持续性 manager, said the foundry takes seriously.

几年前, AFS提出了绿色铸造奖的想法, which is meant to recognize those in the industry doing those sorts of things and moving the industry forward,他说. “They have a regimented process for how submittals are brought in and have third-party judges who review these things. 我们很荣幸能连续两年获得这个奖项.”

特别是今年, 每说, 这家铸造厂因其可持续发展报告而获得认可——“奇怪的是, 也许有点令人失望, 在行业中不常见吗.”

“(In terms of) independent foundries – which are a large percentage of the foundries that are out there, and a lot of them tend to be smaller businesses – you don't see anybody doing a corporate sustainable report in that market space,他说. 


“We decided back in 2014… (after recognizing) there could even be neighbors near our properties or facilities who don't even know what we do here – as far as they know we have monsters inside the walls,他说. “So, we started working harder at sharing things that we're working on and how the process works.”


他说:“我们试图把这些信息公布于众。. “And that gave us the spirit of wanting to be more transparent and showing (the public the) things that are important to us. 这就是我们对整个世界产生最大影响的潜力所在, 下面是我们正在做的事情以及我们是如何取得成功的.”

作为世界上最大的独立铸造厂之一, 每说 he is not aware of another jobbing independent foundry – which are fully-equipped foundries that do not have their own individual casting business, 但承接其他公司的合同铸造——这还没有发布报告.

虽然AFS的绿色铸造奖是相对较新的奖项, 每说 Waupaca’s focus on 可持续性 has always been at the forefront of how the foundry does things.

“We were doing 环境al things and 可持续性 practices before (we began releasing an annual report) – we just weren't broadcasting it to the world,他说. “这就是2014年发生的变化.”


每说 many people aren’t familiar with what a foundry does and are often presented with that question.

“我总是这样总结的, 这是最简单的解释, 我们基本上是把别人不想要的废金属变成新的东西吗,他说. “很多人都没有意识到这一点. 有时候我们会把钢厂和类似的东西搞混. 我们没有使用矿石或类似的东西. 我们把废金属熔化,然后倒进新的东西里.”


“但最终, it matters how we run the rest of our business as far as how successful we are at being a green foundry or working toward that objective.”

每说 he often describes Waupaca铸造 as four or five different factories all under one roof doing different things, 然后一起完成成品.

向内看自己, 每说 the foundry went through a self-evaluation process of all of those things and “the ins and outs of what is happening.”

“我们对此有条款, 一个简单的例子是, 大多数人或多或少都会开车,他说. “在环境方面,驾驶汽车有利有弊. 当你不得不购买汽油并消耗它的时候, the gasoline is something you put into your car and then the emissions are the impact of driving the car around. 在我们这样的设施里, 我们有成百上千的来龙去脉, 所以我们看了所有这些,并根据不同的属性给它们打分.”

每说 there were four or five items that topped the list of having the biggest impact on the 环境, 其中最大的影响来自能源消耗.

“We're bringing in scrap metal and we have to heat it to about 2700 degrees Fahrenheit,他说. “The pure energy and physics you have to overcome to do that – that's why we're such a large energy user. 我们已经认识到我们的能源消耗是一个大问题.”

即使铸造厂本身没有直接排放, 埃施说,因为铸造厂的电力使用, 在其他地方的发电厂,这种情况仍然会发生.

“我们在能源方面投入了很多精力, 减少能源使用,减少碳排放以及其他有趣的东西,他说.

从历史上看, 每说 there have been a variety of things that have supported the foundry’s long-tenured focus on sustainable practices.

首先是地理位置——许多沃帕卡的设施都位于较小的地方, 农村社区.

“在这些社区里,我们必须做个好邻居,”他说. “因为, 当你在一个只有6人的小镇工作时,000人和每个人的孩子一起上学, 如果你不是社区的好邻居, 你马上就会听到消息. 所以,总是有这种情况.”

埃施多年来说, Waupaca铸造’s leadership has been proactive on these topics as well – “creating an 环境 where a lot of this made sense to (the employees).”

相对早期, 因为它的汽车工作, 每说 the foundry was also pulled into quality management systems that began gaining traction in the late 1980s.

“对我们来说, our history and quality made it easy to transfer or utilize things we've learned and put it toward the 环境al side of things, 我们从那里开始,他说.


In a time when companies across the globe are working on 可持续性 and energy efficiency goals of their own, 埃施说,他们的许多客户都要求供应商帮助他们实现这些目标.

“这很有趣,因为, 假设我们回到10-15年前,有人打电话给你的公司说, ‘嘿, 我想知道你为我制造一吨铁到底要用多少电,他说. “当时的反应可能是——而且不仅仅是来自沃帕卡, 但从任何业务——嗯, 这是专有信息, 我们不能分享.’”


“首先, 因为我们是打零工的铸造厂, 我们不是只有一个或10个客户,我们有数百个客户,他说. “他们中的许多人在环境项目上的成熟程度各不相同. But there's a good percentage of them that are well along and have carbon targets – they expect to know exactly what’s going on 环境ally for the production of their product. 几年来,我们一直在问一些窥探的问题,而且随着我们的深入,这些问题只会越来越多.”

每说 Waupaca铸造 shared a great deal of information with its customers to help them with their 可持续性 programs.

“当然, 他们有他们想要达到的目标和事情, 我们尽我们所能帮助他们实现自己的目标,他说. “我会说, 一般, 当他们来询问并听到我们正在做的事情时, I find they're pleased with where we are (in terms of 可持续性 practices) – because it sounds like they don't hear that everywhere in our industry, 这也是不幸的. 这是我们想要推动的.”

年度可持续发展报告, 每说, 确定铸造厂对环境的影响, and the world at large – as well as objectives and targets of what the foundry is working on to address them.

除了已经提到的对能源和碳使用的关注, Esch说有益的重用, 这基本上是废弃铸造副产品的再利用, 也很重要吗.

“其中一个例子就是铸造用砂,”他说. “我们可以在内部反复使用铸造砂30-35次,这很好. 但传统上,处理铸造砂的方式是将其填埋. 自80年代末以来,我们一直在努力改变这种模式. We've reached the point now where approximately 80% of our spent foundry byproducts are reused for off-site projects.”



“我们现在的用水量比以前减少了72%,他说. “当你看到空气污染控制时,我们也感到自豪, EPA (the Environmental Protection Agency) keeps a list in each industry of who has the most state-of-the-art controls out there. 如果你看一下铸造厂和不同类型的铸造设备, 你会在名单上看到威尼斯注册送38元的名字. 这是我们引以为傲的, 我们希望继续成为这类产品的行业潮流引领者.”

展望未来, Esch – who is currently working on the 2022 可持续性 report – said the foundry plans to continue releasing annual reports to update the community, 该地区和行业的可持续发展进展.

埃施说,这份报告不仅强调了沃帕卡大学的目标和目标, 但它也提供了实践和程序如何实施的例子, 因此, 作为其他铸造厂和公司效仿的资源.

“It solicits some interest from others in our industry and even some organizations outside the industry,他说. “没有什么比我接到某人的电话更让我开心的了,他们说, ‘嘿, we saw you did a heat recovery project where you took waste heat and used it to heat your building in the winter – how does that technology work? 你做了什么??我们很乐意分享这些信息. 我们有很多次帮助别人推动他们的项目,这很酷. 这让我很开心.”

威尼斯注册送38元2021年可持续发展报告的完整副本可在 yingla.net.


#环境 #可持续性
